
Netflix / Ebony Life TV


Òlòturé is a viscerally depicted, unsettling thriller that tells the story of a young, naïve Nigerian journalist who goes undercover to expose the shady underworld of human trafficking. Unused to this brutal environment, the main character Òlòturé finds warmth and friendship with the prostitutes she lives with. But, in her quest to uncover the truth, she pays the ultimate price – one that takes her to the verge of no return.

Òlòturé is streaming on Netflix – on it’s week of launch it was in the Netflix top 10 worldwide and number 1 in Africa.

Colourist Paul Koren Said… “Òlòturé is a fantastic feature. Director Malcolm Mclean had an open mind concerning the look of the film when entering the grade suite. In the beginning of the film we looked to have the vibrate colour of the actors and the nightclubs be as punchy as possible. As the film progressed and the tone of the film became more sinister, we would mute all colours, creating a darker and grittier world. With the film being set in very dark locations, with mostly natural lighting, special attention had to be paid to the faces, eyes and skin of the actors to help make them pop. At times this was particularly tricky to achieve as the film utilises a number of single take scenes that glide in and of different environments and lighting, but through shape tracking and keying we were able to achieve the desired result.

Watch the trailer here

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